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Welcome to Cognitive Behavioral Services of Connecticut, L.L.C.  

The Private Practice of Dr. Hsiao-ching Chu

I specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) treatment for anxiety, depression, and other emotional and behavioral difficulties.  My approach is collaborative, goal-oriented, and results driven.  I help my clients actively build tangible skills to foster change while mindfully maintaining self-compassion in stressful situations (e.g., loving-kindness and a non-critical attitude toward themselves.) I emphasize skill acquisition, skill strengthening, and skill generalization within and between sessions in order to achieve long lasting positive outcomes.  I create a warm, respectful, and non-judgmental environment in which my clients (and their families) feel validated and safe to work through their fears and other difficulties.   

Hsiao-Ching Chu, PsyD has achieved the certification in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) granted by Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies  This is the gold-standard for CBT, the treatment that outcome studies consistently find to be the most effective treatment for anxiety disorders

Hsiao-Ching Chu, PsyD is proud to be the

Avon Connecticut regional clinic with 

The National Social Anxiety Center (NSAC).

NSAC was established with the intent of making available to those in need the highest quality, evidence-based psychotherapy services to treat social anxiety.  Visit the NSAC homepage here for more information 


Hsiao-Ching Chu, PsyD has achieved the certification in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) granted by

DBT-Linehan Board of Certification  

The Goal of DBT-LBC is to clearly identifies providers that reliably offer DBT in a way that conforms to the evidence-based research. Clinicians demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge and skills to deliver DBT with adherence to the model as developed by Dr. Linehan and colleagues.  

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